Wednesday, December 26, 2007

running man...

Well, that's more like jogging man, and not very far at that.

I got the OK from my doc to start light jogs that will last no longer than 15 minutes, and I responded, "that's great, but I'll be lucky if I can jog for 15 minutes, let alone half hour!" And sure enough, I jumped on the treadmill (settings are incline set to 1, speed set to 5, or 12 minute mile), and I lasted half a mile, or 6 minutes. I continued to walk for .1 mile, then resumed jogging until I reached .75 miles, at which point I decided it was good enough, especially for a warm up before doing squats, deadlifts, incline bench press, and pull ups.

So I would say this was an accomplishment, given that I haven't ran in over 9 months (between my lung "thing" and recovering from a sprained ankle), half a mile ain't so bad! Eh, with persistence, I'll get back to my normal 3 - 5 mile distance in a few months.

Happy holidays!


1 comment:

weezie said...

Hey! I started jogging again over the Christmas holidays. I can manage about 2 miles before I start looking for a respirator and paddles.